Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Is There Ever an End to My To-Do List?

I felt like this weekend I really took a lot of time to work on things for school as well as my personal life to check off my "to-do list". Homework...check. Passports...check. House chores...check. The list that I had written after many countless hours was finally completed, but of course, just as one list is completed another list begins again. Instead of feeling great about accomplishing something, I feel as if another load has been thrown on my shoulders. Do they ever end? If it's not one thing it's another ! I feel like I can never fully catch up on life and the "to-do list" go on forever.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on that! A breather at this point in the semester would be nice!


Cool Winter Breeze, Runny Nose for Me

The cool winter breeze blew in today, however, so did a cold for me. Runny nose, soar throat, popping ears, what's next? It always seems...