Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Cool Winter Breeze, Runny Nose for Me

The cool winter breeze blew in today, however, so did a cold for me. Runny nose, soar throat, popping ears, what's next? It always seems just as I get over one thing, something else starts again. I really need to find a way to build up my immune system better. I love working with kids, but I dislike catching colds from them all the time. If they have something, it won't take long and then I will have that same thing as well. Although staying in bed all day feels good, but knowing that you just have that much more when you get up is a totally different story. Seems as if I can never just catch a break anymore. Instead, there is always something that I have to worry about. 

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Cool Winter Breeze, Runny Nose for Me

The cool winter breeze blew in today, however, so did a cold for me. Runny nose, soar throat, popping ears, what's next? It always seems...